Saturday, March 5, 2011

Blah Fuck Blah

Another freezing rain gloomy ass day in Wisconsin. Saw Mr. X again last night, so I'm recovering but not as bad as usual. We finished 2 packets of coke in about 5 hours, and it wasn't the purest shit. These assholes who "cut" the coke and put other shit in it should have their balls freeze dried, ground up, and added to their own coke to snort.
Anyway, I've had an unusual number of migraines this week. On Tuesday, I actually had to call off work because of it and last night I had to cancel band practice. Funny thing is that I knew that doing coke would numb the pain for at least a while. It worked!
I've been telling myself that this will be the week where I stop smoking weed every day that I'm off work. Obviously that didn't happen, and as a matter of fact, I think I'll go for my first puff of the day right now...
MU got me some really good shit last week. You would think that living in Wisconsin would mean no problems getting good shit...WRONG! Since i've been living here, it's been hard to find ANYTHING. One more reason to miss Chicago.
I need a career change. I need a life change!


Gledwood said...

Wouldn't coke make a migraine worse by raising blood pressure?

Or does it work in reverse? I dunno I'm not a dr and you know the way drugs stuff is often counterintuitive....

... thanks for your comment at mine. I was trying to think of a good sex drug but have failed to come up with a single one. Apart from cannabis.

Uppers just make me want to dance. More vertically than horizontally, y'know...!

Cadan Henry said...

Just found your blog. Like the music, I also feel a little behind :) Not many cope with becoming sober by using humor. I applaud that!
