Thursday, January 5, 2012


Shit, it's been a while! Towards the end of 2011, I told myself that 2012 would be THE year I break free (yes, I realize it's only 5 days into the year, but I've gone 20 without seeing Mr. X!). So far, so good, but as every addict knows, the chances of stumbling are always pun intended. The few weeks before the last time I got fucked up with him were full of inner turmoil. It was pretty much an all-out battle between good and evil inside my mind. But this last effort on my part, I can honestly say, has been the strongest ever. The Prozac has taken full effect by now & I've been chanting consistently and have been seeing the results. There has even been a couple of times when I give in, but by some divine force, my plans to see him are foiled. Call me crazy, but I think all that practice I've been doing in Buddhism has been protecting me. My therapist actually convinced me to go back to practicing even with my skepticism. I'm back because I know it works, and right now I NEED something that works!
I do believe that spirituality in in general, whatever it may be, is one of the only things capable of getting through something like this. Reading "The Secret", I learned that we DO in fact create our own realities. But there was that one thing missing to account for the "bad" things that happen even if all you've been doing is positive. That one thing is karma. It all makes sense now. You create your own reality, but not without the help of past karma.


Anonymous said...

Glad things are getting better for you.....I aint seen Mr ---- for 11 days and am as lonely as hell...I tend to push the nice guys away cos I can't bond with them. I was sticking to a gram a week last year and had a spirituality....before these recent binges when I have seen him. Last time I saw him we not got through much either and you know re the other woman etc. I have resisted texted or contacting him and want to sort my life out. Feels like I am doing well when I have had no coke since Mon is now Thurs. All the best xx

Anonymous said...


I run the Addiction guest blogging program at Pat Moore Foundation. I'd be really interested in learning more about how your chanting helps you through some of the inner turmoil. Is it a religious association or more of a meditation technique?

Dawn Jackson
Online Community Engagement

Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...

Snow: Sorry for the long delay - I've not been on here in ages! Hope you are still doing better. It sounds like you are on the path to do so. Kudos! :)

Don: I would be glad to share.

Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...
