Tuesday, February 17, 2009

**Place "Rocky" Theme Song here**

Hey, all. I've been really slackin' on this blog, so I thought I'd do a little update. Actually, I have not been slacking at all. I've been programming drums, writing and recording my ass off. I've got the first song pretty much complete. It definitely sounds good enough for a demo-type thing. I'm not a producer, so I will leave that to the pro's who know that shit well. It's been a very tedious, time-consuming & frustrating process, but the end result is always worth it. I'm literally learning to use all this equipment AS I'm recording it, so I gotta give myself some credit - I'd say I'm doing pretty damn good, considering!
I've had no problems at all with addiction & I've had no problem with my new & slightly flexible "once-a-week program". The only concern I've had recently is my lack of exercise. I'm normally a pretty active guy as far as workouts & when I slack, I feel...well...not right. BUT, I've also had a cold for the past couple of days so that excuses maybe a whole .01% of my laziness. No, again, it truly has not been sheer laziness. I've put a serious effort into the music project & I have to sacrifice some things. If it means I get a belly for a while, then so be it. I want my friggin album done! For those of you who asked, I will definitely send you a link to the first song when I finally download it (I still have to figure out how to do that too, lol).
And, you know, I'm SO okay with my "program" & myself lately that I've seriously been contemplating changing the name of this blog to "Cocaine Addiction Kinda SuckED"). Actually, it's probably better to just start another blog under the same account. Anyway, my point is that I totally feel in control now & it feels good!
Lastly, I'm pretty sure I'm about to get hired at a place which I think I'll really like. I interviewed on Friday & it went very well. I really liked the people there & it's a non-profit place, so like-minded folks will be there. The benefits are pretty much un-beatable too! I also can get a chance to learn more about non-profit organizations. I have been also thinking about trying to start my own non-profit for equal treatment & respect for the elderly (working on an ambulance for 10 years & seeing the nations nursing homes, especially "after hours" will do that to you!).


Blogking said...

it is a disease because many diseases kill people, obviously. overabuse and addiction to drugs WILL KILL YOU. My cousin had a cocaine overdose and DIED. he couldn't control his urge, but you can if you have these deadly diseases, you must be smart and seek help immediately.


Coke Addiction Kinda Sucks said...

Ummmm...yea, I don't think you read my entry correctly. I'm actually VERY well informed about drugs (more than most people), but thanks for your concern:)

DaftDragon said...

GO YOU!!! This is all so awesome and exciting! Seriously can't wait to hear what you've done! And mega congrats on taking control. As for not exercising, it's hard to do everything at once. It'll all fall into place as you continue along in this nice little groove. You rock. Oh- and change the blog title- trust me, it's the cool thing to do. :P

DaftDragon said...

OMG! I fuckin' love it- for serious. You've got a nice Nirvana vibe goin' on, totally rad. is that all original?? I'm WAY impressed- and that has serious marketability too dude. Lookin' forward to your first show!!!

DaftDragon said...

Hi, update soon please, k thanks bye.