Sunday, June 8, 2008

Disgusted in thyself

Friday night was one of those nights where I waited in agony to hear from my peeps in Pompano as to weather there was going to be a party. Finally, around 10pm I got the call. He was getting some shit. The guy was "on his way", which usually means that he won't be there for another couple to a few hours. So, I made a few stops on the way - including a stop at an ATM to take out the last $40 I could spend to give to them. As I pulled in, there was another car pulling out. Guess who it was? Yup, the Always Mega-late Guy. So, I ran up and saw that M was a bit disappointed. I soon saw why. There was nowhere NEAR an 8 in the bag he had. First, he got this one with a partial "IOU", and they always give him less when that's the case. Second, he had to borrow $40 from B to get it because I was not there in time (go fucking figure), so B took some. So we partied for maybe 2 hours and ran out. I was pissed about the whole situation, and pissed at myself because I could not even keep "playing" when the shit ran out. That's not cool. Oh well, at this point I'll do just about anything to stay away from my home situation. I'm moving in a couple of months - I cannot fucking wait.

1 comment:

Victoria said...

That sucks about how you didn't get as much coke as you were expecting to get! That must have been a serious disappointment. Two hours is not a long enough time to party! Hopefully you have better luck next time.

I know that you're trying to stay clean, but (just out of curiousity) how often have you been using coke recently?

And yeah, if you want to stay clean, you should definitely go to NA meetings. It's good that you liked the meeting that you went to, because a lot of people try and find reasons not to like NA. Everyone is different, but I really think that NA is beneficial. They help me because I get to be around people that have gone through what I'm going through and that support my recovery.

Be good to yourself!
