Friday, December 5, 2008

Feel Like Shit...Deja vu

I've got the bronchitis again. Actually, I don't think it ever went away - it just became very obvious when I tried smoking a square. I called in sick to work on my first day out on the street. Yea, not a good start, but wtf am I supposed to do? I probably could have gone it 'cause it's not like I'm dying, but this is a job that can be very physical & can be outside in the freezing cold. And yes, I'm also still having issues with even working there. The funny thing is that other people in my field would kill to have my job. In fact, they would probably kill me if they found out I was considering leaving. But hey, that's me - Mr. Loose Canon. I found out the other day during training that a lot of times I will be working alongside five-0 (sometimes in the same building). I have enough trouble relating to people in general already, shit! Anyway, my next shift is supposed to be Tuesday night. We'll see what happens. Until then, I'm just chillin' & letting these antibiotics do their thing (including making me feel like shit).
I told MU that I was considering going back to Chicago if I found a more desirable job. She jumped right on that & called her "friend in high places" & is telling me to send a resume. I know that, as far as the drug problems, I've been doing much better since I've been down here just due to the situation. I HAVE sought out connections. I was even doing that earlier tonight. That's probably just asking for trouble. Maybe that's just what I want. I'm definitely crazy.


DaftDragon said...

hey dude, don't be hard on yourself about seeking your vice. we all do it, especially under work stress and such. cool that you have such a killer job though. and ya chicago! i'm always an advocate! haha, esp if there's bootay locked and loaded... then again if the drug sitch is better here, a def consideration. you seem like a bright enough dude (aren't we all beneathe the crazy?) that you'll get your shit togethher as needed.
feel better, way to take care of yourself and veg as needed.

Melody Lee said...

ACK COPS in the workplace......*shudder*
Sorry to hear your not feeling well, DaftDragon gives solid advice, take care of yourself. You can't take care of business unless you recover completely. The antibiotics I'm on are a killer as well so I can sympathize.....
I don't want to advise you to leave your job, I just know that for me anytime I had work that I didn't care for I subconciously fucked it off. Now I don't bother with anything that seems like a drag 'cause I know I'll just be wasting their time and mine. However if you are motivated enough then you can hold that one til you find something better suited to you. That's probably the best thing to do, that way your not assed out.
*healing vibes being sent your way*
HAHA how new-age of me.

Victoria said...

It sounds like things are going well for you where you are... why do you want to go back to Chicago? If you've been able to do much better about not doing the drugs, then it seems like you are in a good place. But, it's up to you. Just think about yourself and how things will be in the long run...

You definitely deserve to be happy. Change is difficult, so if things aren't ideal right now and you are still adjusting, remember that it will get better. Just give it time.

Also, I finally figured out the whole "follow" a blog thing... haha, took me a while. But I added you to the list of blogs that I follow, just so you know :)

♥ Tori