Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oh well, at least it was good!

Last night, NS & I hooked up (did the motel thing again). The shit he had was actually pretty good. I guess "the man" finally got the hint from all the people complaining about the recent dive in quality. I had a lot of fun pretty much the whole time until, as usual, I realize there's almost none left. But even with that, it ended well. I know there's no way I'm going to get away with doing this once a week. They will eventually catch on. That's good. It will encourage me to not do it so much.
I went on 2 interviews last week. Both of them seemed very promising & I was sure I would have to decide between jobs. I've had no callbacks yet though. I know that does not mean it's over, but I figured they would get back to me sooner.
I've not been much in the mood to write lately. Laters.

1 comment:

DaftDragon said...

Hey there :)
Glad your having fun, liking yourself, keeping it somewhat under control. All good stuff. I know its like impossible, but try not to fret on the job stuff... it often does take some time, and even if it doesn't pan out, youve done everything you cana t this point so no use worrying.
Keep it real dude :)